Sunday, August 8, 2010


Perusing the youtube for something other than the latest poptard video and the accompanying commentary I stumbled on this year old clip featuring the zine library at ABC NO RIO.
If you're unfamiliar with ABC and don't live in the nearby NYC tri-state area I suggest finding a copy of 156 Rivington. It's a nifty documentary. Neil from Tribal War also had a vhs featuring the bands that played at ABC. Worth seeing if you can get it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cluster Bomb Treaty

Cluster Bomb Treaty to Go into Effect; US Refuses to Sign

An international treaty banning cluster bombs goes into effect on Sunday, but the United States as well as Russia and Israel have refused to sign the treaty. All three countries have used cluster bombs in recent years. Other key countries who have refused to sign the treaty include Brazil, China, India, Pakistan and South Korea.